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September Fresh Start

Living Well

Autumn leaves, with a gap of sky peeking through in the shape of a heart

Written by: Meg Sharp, Fitness & Wellbeing Consultant, Cambridge Group of Clubs

The beginning of September can feel like more of a new year than January. 

Many of us are currently managing changes in schedules, commitments, expectations, and the weather. Some are even changing where they have been living. This makes it the perfect time to embrace habit change as well.

As the world around us shifts, we too can shift patterns and behaviours to better suit our goals and aspirations.

Woman holding up her hands in the shape of a rectangle, framing the sunset in the middle like she's preparing to take a photo

What does that look like exactly? I’d like to offer a few concrete examples, but first an important idea or two about your mindset…

Often when we seek to create change, we look at what we are unhappy with. The things we do “too much” or “not enough”. The ways in which we are “unhealthy”, “lazy”, or “addicted”. The people we have “let down”, with ourselves sometimes topping that ugly list.

What if this September we turn the microscope on the roses and buds in our garden instead? What if we identify positive habits we already have that serve us well. What if we dig a little and uncover the beginnings of promising behaviours that – if given a little extra time, care, and attention – could blossom? Rather than peer into the abyss of all that is lost, the things we don’t do or have, we lift ourselves up, focus on what we have and do well, and aspire to be just a little bit better.

Hands around a small plant in the dirt

Let’s try some examples on for size:

  • You started doing a strength training routine for 20 minutes twice a week. Why not add to it? Add an additional 5-7 minutes per session, or another mini (10-12 minutes) workout per week.
  • You’ve been ensuring you get 30 grams of lean protein for lunch every day. How about extending that habit into breakfast? Start with 20 grams, 5 mornings a week and see how that makes you feel.

Healthy balanced breakfast with grains, vegetables, eggs, smoked salmon

  • You’ve been powering down your laptop and smart phone 90 minutes before bed during the summer. Yes, work is busier in the fall. All the more reason to prioritize that restorative sleep. KEEP THIS HABIT!!!
  • You’ve been going to the gym and doing cardio 3 days a week! Try adding 10-12 minutes of strength training to 2 of those workouts.
  • You’ve been going to the gym and doing strength training 3 days a week! Try adding 4 x 90 second cardio intervals spaced throughout one of the workouts. Anything works well:  Stepmill, rowing machine, burpees, jump rope, or run the agility ladder! The trick is to get your heart rate up and hop off before the activity gets too stale.

Strong, fit woman using the battle ropes for a workout in a gym

  • You’ve been packing a healthy lunch once a week. Try for two!
  • You’ve been keeping a bottle of water by your side and sipping throughout the day. Staying hydrated has become easy, and you find your energy is better, digestion seems easier, and food cravings not as powerful. Add a glass of water at two key points in your day: Before your first coffee and before any alcoholic beverage.
  • You’ve been replacing starchy sides with vegetables for 3 dinners a week. Add to one more dinner or start adding those veggies to lunches.
  • You’ve been exercising regularly 4-5 times a week. How awesome is that?! Add to it.  There are so many different, fun things you can do:
    • Learn a new skill, sport, or exercise.
    • Up the intensity: Add weight, reps, or sets. Add intervals. Keep the warm-up, cool down, and distance the same but pump up the pace! Add some hills!
    • Add minutes to any given session. 
    • Add an entire session!
    • Commit to a race or event that adds purpose, structure, and excitement to your training.

Young fit man doing a running leap in front of a concrete wall

As you tend to your garden, and the roses bloom and the little buds grow and thrive – you might notice some of weeds simply don’t have space anymore. And your garden – far from perfect – is a little more (and sustainably!) fabulous.

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